-- card: 15632 from stack: in.01 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3166 -- name: -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- Quick Start Summary -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- - Find or make a text file of information — the bigger the better! - Click the "Build Index" button on the first card of this stack to create an index to your file. (Note — you need to have free space on your disk to hold the index files. Two times the size of the database file is usually safe and appropriate.) - Click the "Open" button (at the top of the "Free Text Browser" screen) and select your database file in the standard files dialog box. - Scroll around in the two Index windows at the top of the Browser screen, or jump to a word using one of the ^z buttons. - Click on a word in an Index window to see all the instances of that word in the Context window at the center of the screen. - Scroll around in the Context window and click on a line to drop into the full text of your file at that location, in the Text window at the bottom of the screen. - Click on the "Zoom" button (at the top right of the Browser screen) to make the Text window get larger or smaller. - Experiment! - Move around in your database, browsing and gathering information. Learn, make new discoveries, and have fun! - Optional Hint: turn on a RAM Cache from the Control Panel and reboot, to maximize efficiency in browsing.